Monday, November 14, 2011

How is A&P a story of our lives

As young adults, I think A&P is an extremely relatable story. It brings forth the consequences of sudden decisions, the effects of standing up for something we feel strong about, the search for a better future and the desires deep within out mind. As Sammy quits his job, whether to impress "Queenie" or he couldn't take the manage being so unfair, he has to deal with the consequences. As he says in the story " the worst part" of the day was quitting, he now hows to deal with not having an income, with quitting his only job. I personally had to make this decision, the day I quit my job, and it was hard to deal with the consequences, although it felt good at the time to quit, the impact it had in my life was quite colossal. Like Sammy, I made a decision, but I no longer had an income, no longer had a job. A&P is a also a story about not conforming. Something we do every time we speak up, everytime we go against the norm. Sammy didn't want to summit to the manager wishes to kick the girls out. He didn't agree, he stood up for his opinions and quit.This rebellion is typical of young people, we go off on our emotions, we at times refuse to conform and disagree with authority.
As the story explores, Sammy is attracted to one of the girls that walks into the store, " Queenie" he describes her body and fantasizes about her. As humans we are subject to this desire, these thoughts deep in our minds that reflect our attraction to someone, our fantasies. A&P explores youth, it explores the consequences of decisions, the defiant nature of young adults and our fantasies and desires for the future.

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