Friday, November 11, 2011

make a wish

Days like today have me in a great mood. Although I'm not superstitious  at all, or into any kind of numerology, hearing 11/11/11 just forces me to be wishful.As a teenage girl, making a wish on 11:11  was a special thing. To be holding hands on a date and hearing " Its 11:12, I guess my wish came true" definitely  made 11:11 special. However, knowing nothing about numbers, their meaning or connotations I always believed the number 11 haunted me. For 11 years I lived in front of 7-11 , apartment number a-11.I would wake up at different times each day, but always at something 11, 5:11, 6:11, 7:11, and so on. Somehow I would always check the time and it was 11. I have 11 letters on my name, and My day of birth 0-1-2-8 add up to eleven. For some reason I always looked for the number, eleven was just always around, whatever that means. So on a day like today, I want the number "11" to know that I've noticed it, and that I will be waiting for my wish.

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